Tree color system
Setting a trees color sets the color palette for all its nodes to be within the same color shades/tints.
Share plantrees with others for collaboration.
Reminder notifications for scheduled leaves by recurrence or deadlines.
Mobile app
Mobile app for plantrees to be available on iOS and Android.
AI auto-prioritization
AI to automatically prioritize leaves based on importance or chronological requirement.
Tree node drawer
A tree node details drawer that opens up when a node is clicked to show an overview, add notes and do small edits.
Streaks to keep track of and encourage consistency for regularly scheduled leaves.
Setting deadlines for leaves to be completed by.
Setting up rewards for achieving targets or completion of leaves & trees.
Global search
Search bar at the top nav allowing for quick search and navigation to any tree and leaf.
Saving tree collapse state
Saving the state of tree collapse and expansion.
AI tree node breakdown
0.1.0Button to automatically break down a node into smaller nodes on a plantree.
0.1.0Feedback modal popper on the bottom right of the app.
AI Goal creation
0.1.0Goal creation can now be done using AI to break large goals down into a tree automatically.
Quick task
0.1.0Tasks can quickly be scheduled now by clicking on the calendar anywhere.
0.1.0Targets on leaves that help you keep track of specific metrics.
Consistency tracker
0.1.0Tracker on the stats page to keep track of actual effort vs schedule.
Calendar task completion
0.1.0Instances of leaves scheduled on calendar can be completed as "worked on this".
Leaf drag and drop
0.1.0Leaves can be dragged and dropped into the calendar from the to-do section above the calendar.
Leaf completion
0.1.0Leaves can be completed permanantly.
0.1.0Statistics page to keep track of consistency, progress and performance on goals.
0.1.0Interactable calendar to schedule leaves and view the day, week and month.
Plan tree view
0.1.0Zoomable, draggable and interactable plan tree view to provide a wholistic view.