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    What is Plantrees?

    Plantrees is a planner that helps you build and sustain your plans as trees. The idea is that each of your plans or goals can be broken down into smaller and more digestable pieces using branches and leaves. This methodology is quite natural and we do it with pretty much any large goal, organization, venture, or vision on a regular basis without noticing it explicitly.

    The power of trees

    Trees are the greatest symbol of growth and life in reality. We subsconciously know when we see a tree that it was once just a seed in the ground that grew into the mighty structure that we see today. The seed sprouts beneath the ground, growing roots deeper and deeper into the earth. Then it sprouts out of the ground, grows a branch or two with a leaf or two, then keeps steadily increasing its strength and stability as it increases the number of branches and leaves, eventually growing tall and mighty into the sky.TreeThis is the same way that we grow and build anything in our lives. We start with a seed of an idea, then we grow roots by invisioning, planning, organizing, then we sprout the seed with an initial launch, then we grow a little by creating a few branches and departments, then we build a stem by getting to and sustaining an initial stability, and eventually by repeating the cycle we strengthen into a solid trunk and solid branches ever growing into the sky little by little.

    Company tree
    All of the greatest companies and organizations in the world are structured as trees with the CEO in charge of the overall vision, CFOs in charge of the finance branch, CTOs in charge of the technology branch, with directors and managers working under each branch in charge of their own respective department.


    Any large idea or plan must be broken down in order for it to have any manageable growth. Take starting a bakery shop for example. After starting off with the desire of opening one up, the two main concerns the baker probably will have is What does my business plan look like? and What would I bake and sell?. Therefore the two main categories for this venture naturally become Business plan and Market research. These two categories are still too big to be deemed actionable as they comprise of a lot of smaller tasks. Therefore, the business plan category can be broken down into Creating the business plan and Picking the legal structure for the business. The market research category can be broken down similarly.

    Bakery shop exampleBakery shop example
    As you can see, large ventures, when naturally broken down, always take the shape of a tree. In this tree, the actual actions are always the bottom most nodes of the structure. Your branches are the categories of your goals that can still be further broken down until you arrive at the actionable leaves. These categories are very helpful to keep in your vision as checking up on their performance every now and then gives you actionable insight into what's working and what isn't and which leaves are contributing as such to the results.


    Leaves are the actions, tasks, or executions of your goal. Leaves need to absorb sunlight (effort) on a regular basis in order for the tree (goal) to sustain and grow. The sunlight that leaves need to absorb can only be done at certain parts of the day when the sun is out, this can be likened to the effort you need to schedule towards the leaf during the time you are awake, which in this case is done using plantrees' calendar.
    Company tree


    There can be no improvement without reflection. Regularly analyzing the performance of your leaves and branches helps you understand what is working and what isn't. By reflecting on the progress and results, you can make informed decisions on how to adjust your plans and efforts to better achieve your goals. Plantrees provides tools to track and analyze your progress, giving you insights into your productivity and helping you truly grow your plan trees and most importantly, yourself.
    Company tree

    Closing thoughts

    At the end of the day, plantrees is a tool I built and use for myself. I use plantrees on a daily basis to organize and work on my life. I iterate on its development and improvement regularly. I even have a plantree in it for the project management of the app itself . I hope you find it useful and I hope it helps you grow your plans and yourself.

    Happy planting 🌱😊.
    - Shazim.